Monday 18 June 2012


Easy to do on your own the ferries to Capri cost about 32 euro for a return and take about 30 to 40 minutes to do the crossing. I don’t know if it was just because there was a cruise liner in port but it was very busy with an enormous queue to get on the boat, but they are quite large ferries and there seemed to be enough space for everyone.
On the other side there are buses up to Anacapri (which we didn’t do as these buses looked small and they seemed to be trying to break the recond for how many they could fit in), or you can take the Funicular up to Capri town (which we did do mistakenly thinking that we were already in Capri town and that the top of the funiculare was Anacapri!). Be aware you have to go to the main ticket office for the tickets for buses or funicular, so don’t just stand in the queue at the entrance to the funicular itself if you haven’t got your ticket already.
Other than that I’ve not go much to say about Capri other than, been there, done that, but not bought the T-shirt as it was too feckin’ expensive. It’s a beautiful place and there are stunning views once at the top in Capri town itself, but it’s full of designer shops, expensive restaurants and hotels, so I guess it’s OK it you have come specifically to browse the Prada store, but for me the shopping experience is not one I crave. I found it particularly pathetic actually when passing by a shoe shop that had signs on the window forbidding you to take photographs of the 200 euro flip flops on display. That started to answer the question of just how far up one’s own arse one can get J
One of the cheaper restaurants cost us 27 euro for a small pizza to share and two small beers. Ouch.
The good thing about the trip was that your ferry tickets have a return time on them, but there is no problem about getting on an earlier one and returning to the now “not as expensive as you thought it was that morning” Sorrento.
As you might have gathered, Capri wasn’t my sort of place.

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